PM Kusum Scheme
In this article, you can find out about the public authority's Kusum Scheme for the IAS test. Government plans are a significant piece of the UPSC test.
The Central Government has reported the Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan or KUSUM conspire which targets promoting the development of sun based power in India and furthermore gives the advantages of sunlight based cultivating to ranchers. The Union Budget 2018-19 has saved an amount of Rs.48000 crores for this program for quite a long time.
In March 2021, the Central Government acquainted alterations with a current part of the PM-KUSUM plot – a rancher pay support and a de-dieseling plan – in order to channelize its emphasis on solarising rural feeders rather than siphons. This move would deter the requirement for ranchers to supplant each current siphon in a town with a sun powered siphon.
UPSC test covers subjects including government plans like the KUSUM Scheme in the overall mindfulness and administration areas (Mains GS-II) of the Upsc prospectus.
Kusum Scheme Details
- Kusum Scheme carried out by: The Ministry answerable for this plan is the New and Renewable Energy Ministry.
- At first, the public authority will disseminate 1.75 million off-network rural sunlight based siphons.
- 10000 Mega Watts Solar plants will be set up on lands that are fruitless.
- The state power dissemination organizations, likewise called, DISCOMS will purchase the extra sun based power created by the ranchers on infertile grounds. DISCOMS will get sops to purchase this power.
- Tube wells and existing siphons of the public authority will be changed over to run on sun based power.
- Ranchers will get a sponsorship of 60% on sunlight based siphons. It will be stored to their ledgers straightforwardly. This appropriation will be shared by the focal and the state legislatures. 30% of the expense will be gotten as a bank advance. Henceforth, just the rest 10% should be borne by the actual ranchers.
Most recent data on PM KUSUM Scheme –
- The rancher focal point of the KUSUM plot has given a fillip to the rancher arranged plan including decentralized sunlight based power creation up to 28,250 MW over a time of five years.
- The Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan (KUSUM) plan would turn out extra revenue to ranchers, by giving them the choice to offer extra capacity to the framework, through sun based power projects set up on their infertile grounds.
- The public authority's Budget for 2020-21 extended the extension for the plan with 20 lakh ranchers to be given help to introduce independent sunlight based siphons; one more 15 lakh ranchers to be given assistance to solarise their framework associated siphon sets. This will empower ranchers to set up sunlight based power age limit on their fruitless terrains and to offer it to the network.
Kusum Scheme Benefits:
- It will empower the decentralization of the development of sun based power.
- Transmission misfortunes of DISCOMS will be taken care of.
- Endowment trouble on DISCOMS in the area of horticulture will be diminished generally.
- This will allow ranchers the opportunity to offer to the framework the additional power that is produced by the sunlight based plants that are positioned on their fruitless grounds.
- It will give a fillip to the arising green economy in India.
- The program will likewise help with the de-dieseling of the farming area in India. This suggests that the current diesel siphons will be supplanted.
- Different advantages that will accumulate to the ranchers because of the execution of this program incorporate protection of water, water security just as energy productivity.