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ECGC PO Notification 2022


ECGC Ltd. 

(A Government of India Enterprise) 


(This advertisement and the link to apply Online can be accessed on the ECGC 

website at www.ecgc.in) 

The online examination for selection of personnel for the post of Probationary Officer in 

cadre of Executive Officers in ECGC Ltd. in the pay scale of 53600-2645(14)-90630-

2865(4)-102090 is scheduled in May, 2022.The officers are also eligible for the 

allowances and benefits like Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance / House 

Lease Reimbursement, Transport Allowance, Medical Allowance, Newspaper 

Allowance, Meal coupons, Reimbursement of Mobile Bills, Mobile Handset & Briefcase 

Allowance, Furniture Allowance, Household help Allowance, etc. The current CTC (Cost 

to Company) of Executive Officer (Probationary officer) posted in Mumbai is 

approximately Rs.16 lakh per annum. 

Any eligible candidate who aspires to join in ECGC Ltd. as a Probationary Officer is 

required to register for the Recruitment Process. The Recruitment Process consists of 

Online Examination followed by the interview of the candidates shortlisted on the basis 

of their performance in the Online Examination. The online examination will be 

conducted at 22 centers i.e., Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune, Indore, Nagpur, Kolkata, 

Varanasi, Bhubaneshwar, Raipur, Guwahati, Chennai, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Kochi, 

Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Delhi, Chandigarh, Kanpur, Patna, Ranchi and Jaipur. 

Candidates who will be shortlisted in the online examination will be called to Mumbai 

and /or other centers for an interview to be conducted by the in-house panel of the 

Company. The recruitment will be strictly in line with the spirit of Government’s 

guidelines on Reservation Policy.

A. SCHEDULE: The schedule of important activities of recruitment process is as 



No. Activity Tentative Dates 

Online registration including 

Edit/Modification of Application by 


21.03.2022 to 20.04.2022 

Payment of application fee / intimation 

charges (online) 

21.03.2022 to 20.04.2022 

Download of call letters for Pre-

Examination Training 

25.04.2022 Onwards 

4 Pre- Examination Training for SC/ST First and second week of May, 2022 

Download of call letters for Online 

written examination 

First week of May, 2022 onwards 

6 Online written Examination 29th May 2022 

Declaration of result of Online Written 


Between 15th – 19th June, 2022 

8 Interview July /August 2022 

Candidates are advised to regularly check the details and updates at ECGC 

website www.ecgc.in. 

Number of Vacancies 

Type of vacancies SC ST OBC EWS Unreserved Total

Backlog Vacancies 0 01 0 0 0 01 

Vacancies* arising upto 

31.03.2022 which may vary as 

per requirements of the Company 

11 09 13 07 34 74 

Total 11 10 13 07 34 75 

*The number of vacancies is tentative and subject to change at the sole discretion of the 


Vacancy for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PWBD) 

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 


challenged (OC) 

Visually Impaired 



Impairment (HI) 





01 01 01 01 04 

**Specific Learning Disability (SLD) or Multiple disabilities (MD) from amongst (a) to (d) 



Candidates, intending to apply for Recruitment Process should ensure that they fulfill 

the minimum eligibility criteria specified by the Company in this advertisement: 

Please note that the eligibility criteria specified herein are the basic criteria for applying 

for the post. Candidates must necessarily produce the relevant documents in original 

and a photocopy in support of their identity and eligibility-pertaining to category, 

nationality, age, educational qualifications etc. as indicated in the online application 

form at the time of interview and any subsequent stage of the recruitment process. 

Please note that NO change of category will be permitted at any stage after registration 

of the online application and the result will be processed considering the category 

which has been indicated in the online application, subject to guidelines of the 

Government of India in this regard. Merely applying for the Recruitment 

Process/appearing for and being shortlisted in the Online Examination and/or in the 

subsequent interview and/subsequent processes does not imply that a candidate will 

necessarily be offered employment in the Company. No request for considering the 

candidature under any category other than that the one in which one has applied will 

be entertained. 

I. Nationality / Citizenship: A candidate must be either – 

(i) a Citizen of India or 

(ii) a subject of Nepal or 

(iii) a subject of Bhutan or

(iv) a Tibetan Refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 with the 

intention of permanently settling in India or 

(v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, 

East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly 

Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with intention 

of permanently settling in India provided that a candidate belong to categories (ii), (iii), 

(iv) & (v) above shall be a person in whose favor a certificate of eligibility has been 

issued by the Government of India. 

II. Age (as on 21.03.2022) 

Minimum: 21 years, Maximum – 30 years 

i.e., A candidate must have been born not earlier than 22.03.1992 and not later than 

21.03.2001 (both the dates inclusive) 

Relaxation of upper age limit 

Sr. No. Category Age relaxation (years) 

1 Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe 5 years 

2 Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer) 3 years 

Persons with Benchmark Disabilities as defined 

under “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 


10 years 

Ex-Servicemen, Commissioned Officers including 

Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs)/ Short 

Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) who 

have rendered at least 5 years military service and 

have been released on completion of assignment 

(including those whose assignment is due to be 

completed within six months from the last date of 

receipt of application) otherwise than by way of 

dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or 

inefficiency or physical disability attributable to 

military service or invalidment. 

5 years

NOTE: (i) The relaxation in upper age limit to SC/ST/OBC candidates is allowed 

on cumulative basis with only one of the remaining categories for which 

age relaxation is permitted as mentioned above in Point No. II (3). 

(ii) The maximum age limit specified is applicable to General Category 

candidates and Economically Weaker (EWS) Category Candidates. 

(iii) Candidates seeking age relaxation will be required to submit 

necessary certificate(s) in original/ along with photocopies at the time of 

Interview and at any subsequent stage of the recruitment process as 

required by ECGC Ltd. 

(iv) If an ex-serviceman applies for various vacancies before joining any 

civil employment, he/she can avail of the benefit of reservation as ex-

serviceman for any subsequent employment. However, to avail of this 

benefit, an ex-serviceman as soon as he/she joins any civil employment, 

should give self-declaration/ undertaking to the concerned employer about 

date-wise details of application for various vacancies for which he/she had 

applied for before joining the initial civil employment. Further, this benefit 

would be available only in respect of vacancies which are filled on direct 

recruitment and wherever reservation is applicable to the ex-serviceman. 

There is no reservation for Ex-servicemen in Officers’ Cadre. 

III. Minimum Educational Qualification (as on 20.04.2022): 

A Degree of Graduation in any discipline from a University recognized by the 

Government of India or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central 

Government. The candidate must possess valid Mark-sheet / Degree Certificate 

establishing that he/ she is a graduate and indicate the percentage of marks obtained in 

Graduation while registering online. 

Note: (1) All the educational qualifications mentioned should be from a 

University/ Institution/ Board recognized by Govt. Of India/ approved by Govt.

Regulatory Bodies and the final result should have been declared on or before 


Proper document from Board / University for having declared the result on or 

before 20.04.2022 has to be submitted at the time of interview. The date of passing 

the eligibility examination will be the date appearing on the mark-sheet or provisional 

certificate issued by University / Institute. In case the result of a particular examination is 

posted on the website of the University / Institute and web-based certificate is issued 

then proper document/certificate in original issued and signed by the appropriate 

authority of the University / Institute indicating the date of passing properly mentioned 

thereon will be reckoned for verification and further process. 

(2) Candidate should indicate the percentage obtained in Graduation calculated to the 

nearest two decimals in the online application. Where CGPA (Cumulative Grade Points 

Average) / OGPA (Overall Grade Point Average) is awarded, the same should be 

converted into percentage and indicated in online application. If called for interview, the 

candidate will have to produce a certificate issued by the appropriate authority inter alia 

stating that the norms of the University regarding conversion of grade into percentage 

and the percentage of marks scored by the candidate in terms of norms. 

(3) Calculation of Percentage: The percentage marks shall be arrived at by dividing 

the total marks obtained by the candidate in all the subjects in all semester(s)/year(s) by 

aggregate maximum marks (in all the subjects irrespective of honours / optional / 

additional optional subject, if any) multiplied by 100. This will be applicable for those 

Universities also where Class / Grade is decided on basis of Honours marks only. 

The fraction of percentage so arrived will be ignored i.e., 59.99% will be treated as less 

than 60% and 54.99% will be treated as less than 55%. 

IV. Reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities 

As per Section 34 of “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016”, persons with 

benchmark disabilities are eligible for Reservation. The posts are identified suitable for 

the Persons under categories of disabilities as defined in the Schedule of RPWD Act 

2016 and notified by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 

(Divyangjan) from time to time. 

As per Section 33 of “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016” the Company 

has identified the following posts as suitable for each category of PwBD and only the 

following categories of PwBD candidates are eligible to apply for the posts. 

A. “OC” category: 

A person's inability to execute distinctive activities associated with movement of self and 

objects resulting from affliction of musculoskeletal or nervous system or both, including 

Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism and Acid Attack Victims. Orthopedically challenged persons 

are covered under locomotor disability with the following bench mark: 

a. OA – One arm affected (Right or Left) 

b. OL – One leg affected (Right or Left) 

c. OAL- One arm & One leg affected 

Persons with OA and OAL category should have normal bilateral hand functions. 

a. "Leprosy cured person" means a person who has been cured of leprosy but is 

suffering from: 

i. Loss of sensation in hands or feet as well as loss of sensation and paresis in the eye 

and eye-lid but with no manifest deformity; 

ii. Manifest deformity and paresis but having sufficient mobility in their hands and feet to 

enable them to engage in normal economic activity; 

iii. extreme physical deformity as well as advanced age which prevents him/her from 

undertaking any gainful occupation, and the expression "leprosy cured" shall be 

construed accordingly; 

b. "Dwarfism" means a medical or genetic condition resulting in an adult height of less 

than 4 feet 10 inches (147 centimeters);

c. "Acid attack victims" means a person disfigured due to violent assaults by throwing of 

acid or similar corrosive substance. 

B. Visual Impairment (“VI” Category): Only those Visually Impaired (VI) persons who 

suffer from any one of the following conditions, after best correction, are eligible to 


a. Blindness: 

i. Total absence of sight; OR 

ii. Visual acuity less than 3/60 or less than 10/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with best 

possible correction; OR 

iii. Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of less than 10 degree. OR 

b. Low Vision: 

i. Visual acuity not exceeding 6/18 or less than 20/60 upto 3/60 or upto 10/200 (Snellen) 

in the better eye with best possible corrections; OR 

ii. Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of less than 40 degree up to 10 


C. Hearing Impaired (“HI” Category): 

a. Hard of Hearing: means person having 60 DB to 70 DB hearing loss in speech 

frequencies in both ears. 

D. 4

th Category: Only those persons, who suffer from any one of the following types of 

disabilities, are eligible to apply under this category: 

1. Intellectual disability. 

a. “Specific Learning Disability” (SLD) means a heterogeneous group of conditions 

wherein there is a deficit in processing language, spoken or written, that may manifest 

itself as a difficulty to comprehend, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical 

calculations and includes such conditions as perceptual disabilities, dyslexia, 

dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia and developmental aphasia. 

2. “Multiple Disabilities” means multiple disabilities amongst clause “A”; “B”; “C”; D”. 

Note: Only person with benchmark disabilities as defined under Section 2 (r) of the 

Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 would be eligible for reservation. 

A person who wants to avail benefit of reservation will have to submit a latest valid 

disability certificate issued by a Competent Authority as per Government of India 

guidelines. Such certificate will be subject to verification/ re-verification as may be 

decided by ECGC. 

The allocation of reserved vacancies for the persons with benchmark disabilities will be 

as prescribed in the “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016” and as per 

vacancies in ECGC Ltd. 

(i) Guidelines for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities using a Scribe 

The visually impaired candidates and candidates whose writing speed is adversely 

affected permanently for any reason can use their own scribe at their cost during the 

online examination. In all such cases where a scribe is used, the following rules will 


 Candidates eligible for and who wish to use the services of a scribe in the 

examination should invariably indicate the same in the online application form. 

Any subsequent request in this regard shall not be favorably entertained. 

 The candidate will have to arrange his / her own scribe at his/her own cost. 

 The scribe may be from any academic stream. 

 Both the candidate as well as scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking 

confirming that the scribe fulfils all the stipulated eligibility criteria for a scribe 

mentioned above. Further in case it is later, at any stage, observed or comes to 

knowledge that he/she did not fulfil any laid down eligibility criteria or suppressed 

any information the candidature of the applicant will stand cancelled, irrespective 

of the result of the written exam. 

 During the exam, at any stage, if it is found that scribe is independently 

answering the questions, the exam session will be terminated and candidate’s 

candidature will be cancelled. The candidature of such candidates using the 

services of a scribe will also be cancelled if it is reported after the examination by 

the test administrator personnel that the scribe independently answered the 


 Those candidates who use a scribe shall be eligible for compensatory time of 20 

minutes or otherwise advised for every hour of the examination. 

 A person acting as a scribe for one candidate cannot be a scribe for another 


 The candidate should ensure that the scribe is not a current/Ex- employee of 


 The scribe arranged by the candidate should not be a candidate for the 

online examination. 

 Candidate using scribe in violation of the above guidelines shall stand 

disqualified from the recruitment procedure and can be removed from the service 

without any notice, if they have joined ECGC. 

 Only candidates registered for compensatory time will be allowed such 

concessions since compensatory time given to candidates shall be system 

based, it shall not be possible for the test conducting agency to allow such 

time if he / she is not registered for the same. Candidates not registered for 

compensatory time shall not be allowed such concessions. 

(ii) Guidelines for candidates with locomotor disability. 

A Compensatory time of twenty minutes per hour or otherwise advised shall be 

permitted for the candidates with locomotor disability where dominant (writing) extremity 

is affected to the extent of slowing the performance of function (minimum of 40% 


(iii) Guidelines for Visually Impaired candidates 

 Visually Impaired candidates (who suffer from not less than 40% of disability) 

may opt to view the contents of the test in magnified font and all such candidates 

will be eligible for compensatory time of 20 minutes for every hour or otherwise 

advised of examination. 

 The facility of viewing the contents of the test in magnifying font will be available 

to Visually Impaired candidates. 

(iv) Guidelines for Candidates with Intellectual Disability (ID) 

A Compensatory time of twenty minutes per hour of examination, either availing the 

services of a scribe or not, shall be permitted to the candidates with more than 40% 

Intellectual Disability (Specific learning disability) 

These guidelines are subject to change in terms of GOI guidelines/ clarifications, 

if any, from time to time. 


1. Persons who are not covered under the existing scheme of reservations to the 

Scheduled Castes, the Schedule Tribes and the Other Backward Classes and whose 

family has gross annual income below Rs.8.00 lakh (Rupees eight lakh only) are to be 

identified as EWSs for benefit of reservation. The income shall include income from all 

sources i.e., salary, agriculture, business, profession etc. and it will be income for the 

financial year prior to the year of application. Also, persons whose family owns or 

possesses any of the following assets shall be excluded from being identified as EWSs, 

irrespective of the family income: 

i.) 5 acres of Agricultural Land and above; 

ii.) Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above; 

iii.) Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities; 

iv.) Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified 


2. The property held by a "Family" in different locations or different places / cities would 

be clubbed while applying the land or property holding test to determine EWS status. 

3. The benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon production of an Income 

and Asset Certificate issued by a Competent Authority. The Income and Asset 

Certificate issued by any one of the Authorities as notified by the Government of India in 

the prescribed format shall only be accepted as proof of candidate's claim as belonging 

to EWS. The candidates shortlisted for document verification/interview shall be required 

to bring the requisite certificate as specified by the Government of India at the time of 

appearing for the process of document verification/interview. 

4. The term "Family" for this purpose will include the person who seeks benefit of 

reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as also his/her 

spouse and children below the age of 18 years. 

5. The instructions issued by the Government of India in this regard from time to time 

shall be adhered to. 

Disclaimer: EWS Vacancies are tentative and subject to further directives of 

Government of India and outcome of any litigation. 

NOTE: These guidelines are subject to change in terms of GOI guidelines/ clarifications, 

if any, from time to time. 


Online Pre-examination Training will be arranged by the Company to candidates 

belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes. 

All eligible candidates who opt for and wish to avail of Online Pre-examination Training 

should fill in the relevant column in the ON-LINE APPLICATION. Depending on the 

response and administrative feasibility the right to cancel the Online Pre-Examination 

Training is reserved. 

By merely attending the Pre-Examination Training, no candidate acquires any right to 

be selected in the Company. 


 I. The structure of the examination which will be conducted online is as follows: 

 a. Online Examination: 

 (i) Objective Test- Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): 

Sr. No. Name of the Tests No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration 

1. Reasoning Ability 50 50 40 minutes

2. English Language 40 40 30 minutes

3. Computer Knowledge 20 20 10 minutes

4. General Awareness 40 40 20 minutes

5. Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 40 minutes

 Total 200 200 140 minutes

 (ii) Descriptive Paper (Test of English Language) 





No. of questions Marks Time allotted 

1. Essay 


One out of two given 


20 40 minutes for both 

questions together 

2. Precis 


One out of two given 



The Company has the right to modify the structure of the examination which will 

be intimated through its website. Other detailed information regarding the 

examination will be given in an Information Handout, which will be made available 

for the candidates to download along with the call letters from the Company’s 

website www.ecgc.in

Marks of Descriptive Paper (English Language) will be reckoned for merit listing. 

It will only be evaluated for those candidates who qualify in the Objective (MCQs) 

test and are placed adequately high as per total marks in the objective test. The 

various qualifying cut off marks in each section of the objective tests and the 

descriptive paper will be decided by ECGC. Descriptive test to the extent of 12 

times of the number of vacancies or more as decided by the Company will be 


Please note that the candidates will not be permitted to appear in the Online 

Examination without the following documents: 

(1) Valid Call Letter for the respective date and session of Examination, 

(2) Photo identity proof (as specified) in original bearing the same name as it 

appears on the call letter/application form and 

(3) Photocopy of the photo-identity proof (as mentioned in (2) above) 

Candidates reporting late i.e., after the reporting time specified on the call letter 

for examination will not be permitted to take examination. 

The reporting time mentioned on the call letter is prior to the start time of the test. 

Though the duration of the online examination is 3 hours, candidates may be required 

to be at the venue for 4 hours or more including the time required for completion of 

various formalities such as verification and collection of various requisite documents, 

logging in, giving of instructions etc.

II. Penalty for Wrong Answers (applicable for MCQ question paper only) 

There will be penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Tests. For each 

question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one fourth 

or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to 

arrive at corrected score. If a question is left blank, i.e., no answer is marked by 

the candidate; there will be no penalty for that question. 

III. Examination Centres

(i) The online examination will be conducted at 22 centers i.e., Mumbai, 

Ahmedabad, Pune, Indore, Nagpur, Kolkata, Varanasi, Bhubaneshwar, 

Raipur, Guwahati, Chennai, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Kochi, Hyderabad, 

Visakhapatnam, Delhi, Chandigarh, Kanpur, Patna, Ranchi and Jaipur. 

(ii) No request for change of centre for examination shall be entertained. 

(iii) The Company, however, reserves the right to cancel any of the 

Examination Centers and/or add some other Centers, at its discretion, 

depending upon the response, administrative feasibility, etc. 

(iv) The Company also reserves the right to allot the candidate to any centre 

other than the one he/she has opted for. 

(v) Candidate, will appear for the examination at an Examination Centre at 

his/her own risk and expenses and the Company will not be responsible 

for any injury or losses etc. of any nature. 

(vi) Any unruly behavior/misbehavior in the examination hall may result in 

cancellation of candidature/disqualification from this exam and also from 

future examinations conducted by the Company. 

IV. Scores 

(i) The corrected scores obtained by each of the candidates in different 

sessions (if held) will be normalized using equi-percentile method. 

(ii) Scores up to two decimal points shall be taken for the purpose of 


V. Process for Arriving at Scores 

The Scores of Online Examination are obtained by adopting the following 


(i) Number of questions answered correctly by a candidate in each objective test 

is considered for arriving at the Corrected Score after applying penalty for wrong 


(ii) The Corrected Scores so obtained by a candidate are made equivalent to 

take care of the minor difference in difficulty level, if any, in each of the objective 

tests held in different sessions to arrive at the Equated Scores* 

* Scores obtained by candidates on any test are equated to the base form by 

considering the Distribution of scores of all the forms. 

(iii) Test wise scores and scores on total is reported with decimal point upto two 


Note: Cutoffs are applied in two stages: 

i. on scores in individual tests 

ii. on Total Score 

VI. Cut-off Score (Online Examination) 

Each candidate will be required to obtain a minimum score in each test of Online 

Examination and also a minimum total score to be considered to be shortlisted 

for interview. Depending on the number of vacancies available, cut-offs will be 

decided and candidates will be shortlisted for interview. Prior to the completion of 

the interview process, scores obtained in the Online Examination will not be 

shared with the candidates shortlisted for interview. 






Candidates who have been shortlisted in the Online Written Examination will 

subsequently be called for an interview to be conducted by the Company at 

Mumbai and/or other centres. The Centre, address of the venue, time & date of 

interview will be informed to shortlisted candidates in the call letter. Candidates 

are required to download their interview call letters from website of the Company, 

i.e., www.ecgc.in. Please note that any request regarding change in date, centre 

etc. of interview will not be entertained. However, the Company reserves the right 

to change the date/venue/time/centre etc. of interview in unforeseen 


The total marks allotted for interview are 60. The minimum qualifying marks in 

interview will not be less than 40% (35% for SC/ST/OBC/ PWBD candidates). 

The weightage (ratio) of Online Examination and interview will be 80:20 

respectively. The combined final score of the candidates shall be arrived at on 

the basis of scores obtained by the candidates in the Online Examination and 

Interview. Interview score of the candidates failing to secure minimum qualifying 

marks or otherwise barred from the interview or further process shall not be 


A candidate should qualify both in the Online Examination and interview and be 

sufficiently high in the merit to be shortlisted for further selection process, details 

of which will be made available subsequently on the Company’s website. 

While appearing for the interview, the candidate should produce valid prescribed 

documents given below. In the absence of documents candidature of the 

candidates shall be cancelled. Company takes no responsibility to receive/collect 

any certificate/remittance/document sent separately. 

List of Documents to be produced at the time of interview (as applicable) 

The following documents in original and self-attested photocopies in 

support of the candidate’s eligibility and identity are to be invariably submitted at 

the time of interview failing which the candidate may not be permitted to appear 

for the interview. Non-submission of requisite documents by the candidate 

at the time of interview will debar his/her candidature from further 

participation in the recruitment process. 

(i) Printout of the valid Interview Call Letter. 

(ii) Valid system generated printout of the online application form registered 

for Online Examination. 

(iii) Proof of Date of Birth (Birth Certificate issued by the competent Municipal 

Authorities or SSLC/Standard 10th Certificate with DOB) 

(iv) Photo Identity Proof as indicated in Point H (i) of the advertisement 

(v) Marks-sheets & certificate for Graduation or qualifying degree examination 

etc. Proper document from Board/University for having declared the result 

on or before 20.04.2022 has to be submitted. 

(vi) Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority in the prescribed 

format as stipulated by Government of India in the case of SC/ST/OBC 

category candidates. 

Candidates belonging to OBC category but coming under creamy 

layer and/or if their caste does not find place in the Central List are 

not entitled to OBC reservation. They should indicate their category 

as General in the online application form. 

(vii) Income and Asset Certificate issued by any one of the Authorities as 

notified by the Government of India in the prescribed format in the case of 

EWS category candidates.

(viii) Latest valid Disability certificate in the prescribed format issued by the 

District Medical board in case of Persons with Disability category. If the 

candidate has used the services of a Scribe at the time of Online 

Examination, the duly filled in details of the scribe in the prescribed format.

(ix) An Ex-serviceman candidate has to produce a copy of the Service or 

Discharge Book along with pension payment order and documentary proof 

of rank last/presently held (substantive as well as acting) at the time of 

interview. Those who are still in defense service should submit a 

certificate from a competent authority that they will be relieved from 

defence services on or before 20.10.2022 

(x) Candidates serving in Government / quasi govt. offices /Public Sector 

Undertakings (including Nationalized Banks and Financial Institutions) are 

required to produce a “No Objection Certificate” from their employer at the 

time of interview, in the absence of which their candidature will not be 

considered and travelling expenses, if any, otherwise admissible, will not 

be paid. The No Objection Certificate should be issued for appearing in 

the interview for selection to ECGC Ltd. 

(xi) Experience certificate, if any 

(xii) Persons falling in categories (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) of Point B (I) should 

produce a certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India 

(xiii) Any other relevant documents in support of eligibility 

Note: Candidates will not be allowed to appear for the interview if he/she 

fails to produce the relevant eligibility documents as mentioned 


 Non production of relevant eligibility documents at the time of 

interview shall make the candidate ineligible for further process of 


No documents shall be directly sent to the Company before or after 

the interview.

 The Competent Authority for the issue of the certificate to SC / ST / 

OBC / Economically Weaker Section/ PERSONS WITH BENCHMARK 

DISABILITIES is as under (as notified by GOI from time to time):

For Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes / Other Backward Classes: (i) 

District Magistrate / Additional District Magistrate / Collector / Deputy 

Commissioner / Additional Deputy Commissioner / Deputy Collector / First 

Class Stipendiary Magistrate / City Magistrate / Sub-Divisional Magistrate 

(not below the rank of First Class Stipendiary Magistrate) / Taluk 

Magistrate / Executive Magistrate / Extra Assistant Commissioner (ii) Chief 

Presidency Magistrate/ Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/ 

Presidency Magistrate (iii) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar 

(iv) Sub-divisional officer of the Area where the candidate and or his family 

normally resides. 

Economically Weaker Section : (i) District Magistrate/Additional District 

Magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/Additional Deputy 

Commissioner/1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional 

Magistrate/ Taluka Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate/ Extra Assistant 

Commissioner, (ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Additional Chief 

Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency Magistrate, (iii) Revenue Officer not 

below the rank of Tehsildar and (iv) Sub-Divisional Officer or the area 

where the candidate and/or his family normally resides. 

For Persons with Benchmark Disabilities: Authorised certifying authority 

will be the Medical Board at the District level consisting of Chief Medical 

Officer, Sub-Divisional Medical Officer in the District and an Orthopaedic / 

Ophthalmic / ENT Surgeon or any person designated as certifying 

authority by appropriate government. 

Candidates belonging to SC, ST, OBC, EWS, PwBD categories have 

to submit certificates in support of it at the time of interview. Such 

certificate will be subject to verification/re-verification as may be 

decided by the competent authority. The certificate should be dated 

on or before the last date of registration of application. 

Prescribed Formats of SC, ST, OBC, EWS, PWBD certificates to be 

submitted at the time of interview can be downloaded from ECGC’s 

website www.ecgc.in. Candidates belonging to these categories are 

required to produce the certificates strictly in these formats only. 

G. Selection 

On completion of the interview process, based on the business needs of 

the Company, candidates shortlisted will be issued joining letter based on 

merit keeping in view the spirit of Government Guidelines on reservation 

policy, various guidelines issued by Government of India/Others from time 

to time, administrative exigency, etc. Vacancies given in this 

advertisement are indicative as on the date of advertisement. However, 

the merit list of this Selection Process will be valid till 31/03/2023 and any 

vacancies arising for the period up to 31/03/2022 may be filled by issuing 

the offer letters to the candidates based on it. The merit list will expire 

automatically on 31/03/2023. 

No change in the data already registered by the candidate in the online 

application form is possible. 

A candidate belonging to reserved category, selected on the basis of 

norms as applicable to General Category, will be treated at par with a 

General category candidate. Such own merit candidates belonging to 

reserved categories who are selected under unreserved (General) 

category will not be adjusted against a reserved post. However, their 

original category as registered in the online registration will remain 


In the event of two or more candidates obtaining the same score, merit 

order is decided as per date of birth (the candidate senior in age is placed 

before/above the candidate junior in age), as per the prevailing practice. 

The Final selection is subject to the candidate fulfilling the criteria as set in 

this advertisement and identity verification to the satisfaction of the 

Company. In case it is detected at any stage of the recruitment process 

that, the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria his/her 

candidature/chance in the selection shall stand forfeited. 

Issuance of offer of appointment including terms and conditions, 

formalities for verification, joining etc. is solely the decision of the 

Company and shall be final and binding. 

This is an ALL-INDIA service and the selected candidates may be 

posted anywhere in India as per the discretion of the Company. 

Bond: The selected candidates, at the time of joining, will have to 

execute a Bond for a value of a sum equivalent to three months’ 

salary (thrice of last month salary) as liquidated damages to serve 

the ECGC for a minimum period of three years. The Bond will be 

invoked by ECGC if the candidate resigns from the service of ECGC 

before expiry of three years from the date of joining. In addition, the 

selected candidate will be required to serve three-month notice 

period in addition to liquidated damages. 

In case an employee is unable to fulfill the conditions as stated above, 

he/she will be liable to pay the Company, as compensation, a sum equal 

to his/her salary for the period of notice required of him/her, which sum 

may be deducted from any money due to him/her. 



In the examination hall as well as at the time of interview, the call letter 

along with a photocopy of the candidate’s photo identity (bearing exactly 

the same name as it appears on the call letter) such as PAN Card/ 

Passport/ Permanent Driving License/ Voter’s Card/ Bank Passbook with 

photograph/ Photo identity proof issued by a Gazzetted Officer/ People’s 

Representative along with a photograph / Identity Card issued by a 

recognized college/ university/ Aadhar/ E-Aadhar card with a photograph/ 

Employee ID should be submitted to the invigilator for verification. The 

candidate’s identity will be verified with respect to his/her details on the 

call letter, in the Attendance List and requisite documents submitted. If 

identity of the candidate is in doubt the candidate may not be 

allowed to appear for the Examination/ interview. 

 Ration Card and Learner’s Driving License will not be accepted as 

valid id proof for this project. 

 In case of candidates who have changed their name, they will be 

allowed only if they produce original Gazette notification / their 

original marriage certificate / affidavit in original. 

Note: Candidates have to produce, in original, the same photo 

identity proof bearing the name as it appears on the online 

application form/ call letter and submit photocopy of the photo 

identity proof along with Examination call letter as well as the 

Interview Call Letter while attending the examination/ interview 

respectively, without which they will not be allowed to take up the 

examination/ interview. 

ii. Social Distancing Mode conduct of Exam Related Instructions 

Different reporting time will be printed for a set of candidates. 

Candidate must report before the Reporting time to avoid crowding.

1. Candidate is required to report at the exam venue strictly as per the 

time slot mentioned in the admit card AND/OR informed via SMS/Mail on 

their registered mobile number/mail prior to exam date. It is expected that 

candidate strictly adhere to this time slot – as entry into the exam venue 

will be provided based upon the individual’s allotted time slot ONLY. 

Candidates should report at least 15 minutes before the Reporting time 

indicated on the call Letter. 

2. Mapping of ‘Candidate Roll Number and the Lab Number’ will NOT be 

displayed outside the exam venue, but the same will be intimated to the 

candidates individually at the time of entry of the candidate to the exam 

venue and post their Admit Card/ Call Letter and ID verification. 

3. Items permitted into the venue for Candidates 

Candidates will be permitted to carry only certain items with them into the 



b. Gloves 

c. Personal transparent water bottle 

d. Personal hand sanitizer (50 ml) 

e. A simple pen 

f. Exam related documents (Call Letter/Admit Card, ID card in Original, 

Photocopy of ID Card, etc) 

g. Call Letter/Admit Card should be brought with the Photocopy of 

the Photo ID stapled with it. Original ID (same as Photocopy) is also 

to be brought for verification. The name on the ID and on the Call 

Letter/Admit Card should be exactly the same. PwBD candidates are 

required to bring their latest valid disability certificate and show at 

the online written exam venue. 

h. In case of Candidates opting for Scribes – Scribe form duly filled 

and signed with Photograph affixed. 

No other Items are permitted inside the venue. 

4. Candidate should not share any of their personal belonging/material 

with anyone 

5. Candidate should maintain safe social distance with one another. 

6. Candidate should stand in the row as per the instructions provided at 


7. If candidate is availing the scribe, then scribe also should bring their 

own Gloves, N95 Mask, sanitizer (50ml) and water bottle. Wearing a mask 

is compulsory. Both candidate and Scribe will require to be wearing a 


8. A Candidate must have Aarogya Setu App installed on his mobile 

phone. The Aarogya Setu status must show candidate’s risk factor. A 

candidate will have to display this status to the Security Guard at the entry 

into the exam venue. In case a candidate does not have a smart phone, 

he/she will have to bring in a signed declaration to this effect (declaration 

form provided in Annexure- II) and show the same to the Security Guard 

at the entry into the exam venue. Candidates with Moderate or High-Risk 

Status on Aarogya Setu will not be allowed entry. In case any of the 

responses in declaration suggest COVID 19 infection/symptoms, the 

candidate will not be permitted inside the exam venue. 

[This instruction is also applicable to the scribe brought by the 


9. After Aarogya Setu status display at the entry gate, candidates will be 

required to switch off their mobile phones, and deposit it at the designated 

location, to be collected while exiting 

10. All candidates will be checked with Thermo guns at the entry point for 

temperature. In case, any person is observed to be having above normal 

temperature (> 99.14° F) or displaying any symptoms of the virus, they will 

not be allowed entry into the venue 

11. Candidate registration: 

a. Candidate registration will be done through photo capture. 

b. Photograph will be taken while candidate is standing. 

c. Seat number will be given to the candidate. 

12. Rough sheet, call letter and ID proof management 

 Rough sheet(s) kept at each candidate desk will be used by 

candidate. No additional sheets will be provided during the exam. 

 Candidate must follow the instructions related to dropping the call 

letter with the ID proof copy in the boxes provided at the exit of 

lab/venue while leaving or at the designated place. Those 

candidates who avail the services of Scribe should submit Scribe 

form also along with the Call Letter and ID proof copy. 

 Candidate must drop the rough sheets in the boxes provided at the 

exit of lab/venue while leaving. The drop box for the rough sheets 

will be different from that of Call Letter box. Specific instructions will 

be displayed at the Venue. 

13. Post Examination Controls 

On completion of a shift, the candidates should move out in an 

orderly manner without crowding as instructed by the venue staff.

(Some more instructions related to exam may be added or modified 

depending on the situation during the scheduled date of exam) 


Candidates can apply online only from 21/03/2022 to 20/04/2022 and no 

other mode of application will be accepted. 

Pre-Requisites for Applying Online 

Before applying online, candidates should— 

(i) scan their: 

- photograph (4.5cm × 3.5cm) 

- signature 

- left thumb impression (If a candidate is not having left thumb, he/she 

may use his/ her right thumb. If both thumbs are missing, the impression 

of one of the fingers of the left hand starting from the forefinger should be 

taken. If there are no fingers on the left hand, the impression of one of the 

fingers of the right hand starting from the forefinger should be taken. If no 

fingers are available, the impression of left toe may be taken. In all such 

cases where left thumb impression is not uploaded, the candidate should 

specify in the uploaded document the name of finger and the specification 

of left/right hand or toe). 

- a hand written declaration (text given below). The hand written 

declaration has to be in the candidate’s hand writing and in English only. If 

it is written by anybody else and uploaded or in any other language, the 

application will be considered as invalid. (In the case of candidates who 

cannot write, may get the text of declaration typed and put their left-hand 

thumb impression (if not able to sign also) below the typed declaration and 

upload the document as per specifications.) 

Ensuring that the all these scanned documents adhere to the required 

specifications as given in Annexure I to this Advertisement. 

(ii) Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS will NOT be accepted. 

(iii) The left thumb impression should be properly scanned and not 


(iv) The text for the hand written declaration is as follows – 

“I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the 

information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and 

valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.” 

(v) The above mentioned hand written declaration has to be in the 

candidate’s hand writing and in English only and should NOT BE IN 

CAPITAL LETTERS. If it is written by anybody else or in any other 

language, the application will be considered as invalid. 

(vi) Keep the necessary details/documents ready to make Online 

Payment of the requisite application fee/ intimation charges 

(vii) Have a valid personal email ID, which should be kept active till the 

declaration of results. ECGC may send intimation to download call letters 

for the Examination etc. through the registered e-mail ID. Under no 

circumstances, a candidate should share with/mention e-mail ID to / of any 

other person. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail 

ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying on-line and 

must maintain that email account. 

Application Fees/ Intimation Charges Payable from 21/03/2022 to 20/04/2022 

(Online payment), both dates inclusive, shall be as follows 

- Rs. 175/- for SC/ST/PWBD candidates as intimation charges. 

- Rs. 850/- inclusive of intimation charges for all others

Bank Transaction charges for Online Payment of application fees/ intimation 

charges will have to be borne by the candidate 

Procedure for applying online 

Candidates are first required to go to the ECGC website www.ecgc.in and click 

on the Home Page to open the link “Career with ECGC” and then click on the 

option “CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE” to open the On-Line Application 


(2) Candidates will have to click on “CLICK HERE FOR NEW REGISTRATION” 

to register their application by entering their basic information in the online 

application form. After that a provisional registration number and password will 

be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. Candidate should note 

down the Provisional registration number and password. An Email & SMS 

indicating the Provisional Registration number and Password will also be sent. 

They can reopen the saved data using Provisional registration number and 

password and edit the particulars, if needed. 

(3) Candidates are required to upload their 

- Photograph 

- Signature 

- Left thumb impression 

- A hand written declaration as per the specifications given in the Guidelines for 

Scanning and Upload of documents (Annexure I)

(4) Candidates are advised to carefully fill in the online application 

themselves as no change in any of the data filled in the online application 

will be possible/ entertained. Prior to submission of the online application 

candidates are advised to use the “SAVE AND NEXT” facility to verify the 

details in the online application form and modify the same if required. No 

change is permitted after clicking on COMPLETE REGISTRATION Button.

Visually Impaired candidates are responsible for carefully verifying/ getting 

the details filled in, in the online application form properly verified and 

ensuring that the same are correct prior to submission as no change is 

possible after submission.

 Mode of Payment 

Candidates should make the payment of requisite fees/ intimation charges 

through the ONLINE mode only: 

(i) Candidates should carefully fill in the details in the On-Line Application at the 

appropriate places very carefully and click on the “COMPLETE REGISTRATION” 

button at the end of the On-Line Application format. Before pressing the 

“COMPLETE REGISTRATION” button, candidates are advised to verify every 

field filled in the application. The name of the candidate or his /her 

father/husband etc. should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in 

the certificates/mark sheets. Any change/alteration found may disqualify the 


In case the candidate is unable to fill in the application form in one go, he/ she 

can save the data already entered. When the data is saved, a provisional 

registration number and password will be generated by the system and displayed 

on the screen. Candidate should note down the Provisional registration number 

and password. An Email & SMS indicating the Provisional Registration number 

and Password will also be sent. They can reopen the saved data using 

Provisional registration number and password and edit the particulars, if needed. 

Once the application is filled in completely, candidate should submit the data. 

(ii) The application form is integrated with the payment gateway and the payment 

process can be completed by following the instructions. 

(iii) The payment can be made by using Debit Cards 

(RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash 

Cards/ Mobile Wallets by providing information as asked on the screen.

(iv) After COMPLETE REGISTRATION, an additional page of the application 

form is displayed wherein candidates may follow the instructions and fill in the 

requisite details. 

(v) If the online transaction has not been successfully completed then candidates 

are advised to login again with their provisional registration number and 

password and pay the Application Fees/ Intimation Charges online. 

(vi) On successful completion of the transaction, an e-receipt will be generated. 

(vii) Candidates are required to take a printout of the e-receipt and online 

application form containing fee payment details. Please note that if the same 

cannot be generated then online transaction may not have been successful. 


o After submitting your payment information in the online application form, please 

wait for the intimation from the server, DO NOT press Back or Refresh button in 

order to avoid double charge 

o For Credit Card users: All prices are listed in Indian Rupee. If you use a non-

Indian credit card, your bank will convert to your local currency based on 

prevailing exchange rates. 

o To ensure the security of your data, please close the browser window once 

your transaction is completed. 

After completing the procedure of applying on-line including payment of fees / 

intimation charges, the candidate should take a printout of the system generated 

on-line application form, ensure the particulars filled in are accurate and retain it 

along with Registration Number and Password for future reference. They should 

not send this printout to ECGC. 

Please note that all the particulars mentioned in the online application 

including Name of the Candidate, Category, Date of Birth, Address, Mobile 

Number, Email ID, Centre of Examination etc. will be considered as final 

and no change/modifications will be allowed after submission of the online 

application form. Candidates are hence advised to fill in the online 

application form with utmost care as no correspondence regarding change 

of details will be entertained. ECGC will not be responsible for any 

consequences arising out of furnishing of incorrect and incomplete details 

in the application or omission to provide the required details in the 

application form. 

An email/ SMS intimation with the Registration Number and Password generated 

on successful registration of the application will be sent to the candidate’s email 

ID/ Mobile Number specified in the online application form as a system generated 

acknowledgement. If candidates do not receive the email and SMS 

intimations at the email ID/ Mobile number specified by them, they may 

consider that their online application has not been successfully registered.

An online application which is incomplete in any respect such as without 

proper passport size photograph, signature, left thumb impression and the 

hand written declaration uploaded in the online application form/ 

unsuccessful fee /intimation charges payment will not be considered as 


Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply on-line much before 

the closing date and not to wait till the last date for depositing the fee / 

intimation charges to avoid the possibility of disconnection/ inability/ 

failure to log on to the ECGC website on account of heavy load on 

internet/website jam. 

ECGC does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being 

able to submit their applications within the last date on account of the 

aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of the ECGC. 

Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for 

applying. No other mode of application or incomplete steps would be 

accepted and such applications would be rejected.

Any information submitted by an applicant in his/ her application shall be binding 

on the candidate personally and he/she shall be liable for prosecution/ civil 

consequences in case the information/ details furnished by him/ her are found to 

be false at a later stage. 


(1) Candidates will have to invariably produce and submit the requisite 

documents such as valid call letter, a photocopy and original of photo-

identity proof bearing the same name as it appears on the online submitted 

application form etc. at the time of examination and interview respectively. 

No document shall be directly sent to ECGC by the candidates before or 

after online examination. 

(2) Before applying for the post, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils 

the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned in this advertisement. 

Candidates are therefore advised to carefully read this advertisement and follow 

all the instructions given for submitting online application. 

(3) A Candidate’s admission to the examination/ shortlisting for interview/ 

and subsequent processes is strictly provisional. The mere fact that the 

call letter(s) has been issued to the candidate does not imply that his/ her 

candidature has been finally cleared by ECGC Ltd. ECGC Ltd would be free 

to reject any application, at any stage of the process, cancel the 

candidature of the candidate in case it is detected at any stage that a 

candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has 

furnished any incorrect/false information/certificate/documents or has 

suppressed any material fact(s). If candidature of any candidate is rejected 

for any reason according to the terms and conditions of this advertisement, 

no further representation in this regard will be entertained. Such decisions 

shall be final and binding on the candidate. If any of these shortcomings 

is/are detected after appointment in ECGC Ltd, his/her services are liable to 

be summarily terminated.

(4) Decision of ECGC Ltd in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, the 

stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, qualifications and 

other eligibility norms, the documents to be produced for the purpose of the 

conduct of Examination, interview, verification etc. and any other matter will be 

final and binding on the candidate. No correspondence or personal enquiries 

shall be entertained by ECGC Ltd in this behalf. 

(5) The scribe arranged by the candidate should not be a candidate for this 

online examination. If violation of the above is detected at any stage of the 

process, candidature of the candidate and the scribe will be cancelled. 

(6) Not more than one application should be submitted by any candidate. In 

case of multiple Applications only the latest valid (completed) application 

will be retained and the application fee/ intimation charges paid for the 

other multiple registration(s) will stand forfeited. 

(7) Multiple attendance/ appearances in the online examination and/ 

interview will be summarily rejected/ candidature cancelled 

(8) Online applications once registered will not be allowed to be withdrawn and/or 

the application fee/ intimation charges once paid will not be refunded nor be held 

in reserve for any other examination. 

(9) Any resulting dispute arising out of this advertisement including the 

recruitment process shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts situated 

at Mumbai. 

(10) Any canvassing or creating influence for undue advantage shall lead to 

disqualification from the process. 

(11) Any request for change of date, time and venue for online examination 

will not be entertained. Any request for change of address, details 

mentioned in the online application form will not be entertained.

(12) Any request for change of date, time and venue for online examination and 

interview will not be entertained. 

(13) In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation of clauses in any 

version of this advertisement other than English, the English version available on 

ECGC website shall prevail. 

(14) A candidate should ensure that the signatures appended by him/her in all 

the places viz. in his/her call letter, attendance sheet etc. and in all 

correspondence with the ECGC Ltd in future should be identical and there should 

be no variation of any kind. Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS will not be 


(15) A recent, recognizable photograph (4.5cm × 3.5cm) should be uploaded 

by the candidate in the online application form and the candidate should 

ensure that copies of the same are retained for use at various stages of the 

process. Candidates are also advised not to change their appearance till 

the process is completed. Failure to produce the same photograph at 

various stages of the process or doubt about identity at any stage could 

lead to disqualification. 

(16) The left thumb impression which is scanned and uploaded should not 

be smudged. 

(17) The hand written declaration has to be in the candidate’s hand writing 

and in English only and should NOT BE IN CAPITAL LETTERS. If it is 

written by anybody else and uploaded or in any other language, the 

application will be considered as invalid. (In the case of candidates who 

cannot write, may get the text of declaration typed and put their left-hand 

thumb impression (if not able to sign also) below the typed declaration and 

upload the document as per specifications.) 

(18) The possibility of occurrence of some problem in the administration of the 

examination cannot be ruled out completely which may impact test delivery 

and/or result from being generated. In that event, every effort will be made to 

rectify such problem, which may include movement of candidates, delay in test. 

Conduct of a re-exam is at the absolute discretion of ECGC Ltd. Candidates will 

not have any claim for a re-test. Candidates not willing to move or not willing to 

participate in the delayed process of test delivery shall be summarily rejected 

from the process. 

(19) Eligible outstation candidates called for interview and scribes accompanying 

PWBD candidates will be paid II AC class to & fro railway/ bus fare or actual 

expenses incurred, whichever is less, by shortest route on production of proof of 

travel (rail/ bus ticket etc.) 

(20) ECGC shall not be responsible for any application made/ wrong information 

provided by an unauthorized person / institution. Candidates are advised not to 

share/ mention their application details with/to anyone. 

(21) Appointment of selected candidates is subject to his/her being declared 

medically fit, as per requirements of ECGC Ltd and subject to service and 

conduct rules of the ECGC Ltd. Decision of ECGC Ltd to which candidates are 

selected will be final and binding on candidates. 

(22) ECGC Ltd reserves the right to change (cancel/ modify/ add) any of the 

criteria, method of selection etc. 

(23) Intimations will be sent by email and/ or sms only to the email ID and 

mobile number registered in the online application form for online 


(24) ECGC Ltd shall not be responsible if the information/ intimations do not 

reach candidates in case of change in the mobile number, email address, 

technical fault or otherwise, beyond the control of ECGC and candidates are 

advised to keep a close watch on the ECGC website www.ecgc.in for latest 


(25) If at a later stage of selection process or recruitment, the handwriting 

on the handwritten declaration of the candidate is found to be dissimilar / 

different, as per expert analysis, the candidature of the candidate will be 


(26) The candidates are required to follow all the Guidelines regarding 

Social Distancing Mode of Exam given in this advertisement and 

subsequently. Any violation may result in cancellation of candidature.

K. Following items are not allowed inside the examination centre: - 

(a) Any stationery item like textual material (printed or written), bits of 

papers, Geometry/Pencil Box, 

Plastic Pouch, Calculator, Scale, Writing Pad, Pen Drives, Log Table, 

Electronic Pen/Scanner etc. 

(b) Any communication device like Bluetooth, Earphones, Microphone, 

Pager, Health Band etc.- (A Candidate must have Aarogya Setu App installed 

on his mobile phone. The Aarogya Setu status must show candidate’s risk factor. 

A candidate will have to display this status to the Security Guard at the entry into 

the exam venue. After Aarogya Setu status display at the entry gate, candidates 

will be required to switch off their mobile phones, and deposit it at the designated 

location, to be collected while exiting). 

(c) Other items like Goggles, Handbags, Hair-pin, Hair-band, Belt, Cap, etc. 

(d) All ornament like Ring, Earrings, Nose-pin, Chain/Necklace, Pendants, 

Badge, brooch etc. should be thoroughly checked. 

(e) Any watch/Wrist Watch, Camera, etc. 

(f) Any metallic item 

(g) Any eatable item opened or packed

(h) Any other item which could be used for unfair means for hiding 

communication devices like camera, blue tooth devices etc.

Any infringement of these instructions shall entail cancellation of 

candidature and disciplinary action including ban from future examinations 

and police complaints. 

Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned 

items to the venue of the examination, as arrangement for their 

safekeeping cannot be assured. ECGC or any agency engaged with 

conduct of the online examination shall not take any responsibility for loss 

of any of the items. Responsibility of safekeeping of the same shall rest 

with the candidates. 

L. Action Against Candidates Found Guilty of Misconduct/ Use of Unfair Means 

Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any 

particulars that are false, tampered with or fabricated and should not suppress 

any material information while submitting online application. 

At the time of Online examination, Interview or in a subsequent selection 

procedure, if a candidate is (or has been) found guilty of – 

(i) using unfair means or 

(ii) impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or 

(iii) misbehaving in the examination/ interview hall or disclosing, publishing, 

reproducing, transmitting, storing or facilitating transmission and storage of 

contents of the test(s) or any information therein in whole or part thereof in any 

form or by any means, verbal or written, electronically or mechanically for any 

purpose or 

(iv) resorting to any irregular or improper means in connection with his/ her 

candidature or 

(v) obtaining support for his/ her candidature by unfair means, or 

(vi) carrying electronic devices of communication in the examination/ interview 

hall such a candidate may, in addition to rendering himself/ herself liable to 

criminal prosecution, be liable: 

(a) to be disqualified from the examination for which he/ she is a candidate 

(b) to be debarred either permanently or for a specified period from any 

examination conducted by ECGC Ltd 

(c) for termination of service, if he/ she has already joined the ECGC. 

Important: ECGC Ltd would be analysing the responses (answers) of 

individual candidates with other candidates to detect patterns of similarity 

of right and wrong answers. If in the analytical procedure adopted by E 

CGC Ltd in this regard, it is inferred/ concluded that the responses have 

been shared and scores obtained are not genuine/ valid, ECGC Ltd 

reserves right to cancel the candidature of the concerned candidates 

without any notice and the result of such candidates (disqualified) will be 

withheld. No representation in this regard shall be entertained 


The Centre, venue address, date and time for Online examination and interview 

shall be intimated in the respective Call Letter. 

An eligible candidate should download his/her call letter from the authorized

ECGC Ltd website www.ecgc.in by entering his/ her details i.e. Registration 

Number and Password/Date of Birth. No hard copy of the call letter/ Information 

Handout etc. will be sent by post/ courier. 

There will be an additional call letter for Scribe for the Online Examination. 

Intimations will be sent by email and/ sms to the email ID and mobile 

number registered in the online application form for online examination.

ECGC Ltd will not take responsibility for late receipt / non-receipt of any 

communication e-mailed/ sent via sms to the candidate due to change in 

the mobile number, email address, technical fault or otherwise beyond the 

control of ECGC Ltd. Candidates are hence advised to regularly keep in 

touch with the ECGC website www.ecgc.in for details, updates and any 

information which may be posted for further guidance as well as to check 

their registered e-mail account from time to time during the recruitment 



All further announcements/ details pertaining to this process will only be 

published/ provided on ECGC authorized website www.ecgc.in from time to 



Instances for providing incorrect information and/or process violation by a 

candidate detected at any stage of the selection process will lead to 

disqualification of the candidate from the selection process and he/she will 

not be allowed to appear in any of the Recruitment Process in the future. If 

such instances go undetected during the current selection process but are 

detected subsequently, such disqualification will take place with 

retrospective effect. Clarifications / decisions given / to be given by the 

General Manager, HRD regarding process for recruitment of Probationary 

Officers in the Company shall be final and binding. 

Mumbai General Manager (HRD) 

Date :21.03.2022 ECGC Ltd


Guidelines for scanning and Upload of Documents 

Before applying online, a candidate will be required to have a scanned (digital) image of 

his/her photograph, signature, left thumb impression and the hand written declaration as 

per the specifications given below.

Photograph Image: (4.5cm × 3.5cm) 

 Photograph must be a recent passport style colour picture. 

 Make sure that the picture is in colour, taken against a light-colored, preferably 

white, background. 

 Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face 

 If the picture is taken on a sunny day, have the sun behind you, or place yourself 

in the shade, so that you are not squinting and there are no harsh shadows 

 If you have to use flash, ensure there's no "red-eye" 

 If you wear glasses make sure that there are no reflections and your eyes can 

be clearly seen. 

 Caps, hats and dark glasses are not acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed 

but it must not cover your face. 

 Dimensions 200 x 230 pixels (preferred) 

 Size of file should be between 20kb–50 kb 

 Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 50kb. If the size of 

the file is more than 50 kb, then adjust the settings of the scanner such as the 

DPI resolution, no. of colours etc., during the process of scanning. 

Signature, left thumb impression and hand-written declaration Image: 

 The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black Ink pen. 

o Dimensions 140 x 60 pixels (preferred) 

o Size of file should be between 10kb – 20kb 

o Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 20kb 

 The applicant has to put his left thumb impression on a white paper with black or 

blue ink.

o File type: jpg / jpeg 

o Dimensions: 240 x 240 pixels in 200 DPI (Preferred for required quality) 

i.e. 3 cm * 3 cm (Width * Height) 

o File Size: 20 KB – 50 KB 

 The applicant has to write the declaration in English only clearly on a white paper 

with black ink. 

o File type: jpg / jpeg 

o Dimensions: 800 x 400 pixels in 200 DPI (Preferred for required quality) i.e 

10 cm * 5 cm (Width * Height) 

o File Size: 50 KB – 100 KB 

 The signature, left thumb impression and the hand written declaration should be 

of the applicant and not by any other person. 

 If the Applicant’s signature on the attendance sheet or Call letter, signed at the 

time of the examination, does not match the signature uploaded, the applicant 

will be disqualified. 

 Signature / Hand written declaration in CAPITAL LETTERS shall NOT be 


Scanning the documents: 

 Set the scanner resolution to a minimum of 200 dpi (dots per inch)

 Set Colour to True Colour

 File Size as specified above

 Crop the image in the scanner to the edge of the photograph/signature/ left 

thumb impression / hand written declaration, then use the upload editor to crop 

the image to the final size (as specified above).

 The image file should be JPG or JPEG format. An example file name is: 

image01.jpg or image01.jpeg. Image dimensions can be checked by listing the 

folder files or moving the mouse over the file image icon.

 Candidates using MS Windows/MSOffice can easily obtain documents in .jpeg 

format by using MS Paint or MSOffice Picture Manager. Scanned documents in 

any format can be saved in .jpg / .jpeg format by using ‘Save As’ option in the 

File menu. Size can be adjusted by using crop and then resize option.

Procedure for Uploading the documents 

 While filling in the Online Application Form the candidate will be provided with 

separate links for uploading Photograph, signature, left thumb impression and 

hand written declaration

 Click on the respective link “Upload Photograph / signature / Upload left thumb 

impression / hand written declaration” 

 Browse and Select the location where the Scanned Photograph / signature / left 

thumb impression / hand written declaration file has been saved. 

 Select the file by clicking on it 

 Click the ‘Open/Upload’ 

 If the file size and format are not as prescribed, an error message will be 


 Preview of the uploaded image will help to see the quality of the image. In case 

of unclear / smudged, the same may be re-uploaded to the expected clarity 


Your Online Application will not be registered unless you upload your 

Photograph, signature, left thumb impression and hand written declaration as 



(1) In case the face in the photograph or signature or left thumb impression or the 

hand written declaration is unclear / smudged the candidate’s application may be 


(2) After uploading the Photograph / signature / left thumb impression / hand 

written declaration in the online application form candidates should check that the 

images are clear and have been uploaded correctly. In case the photograph or 

signature or left thumb impression or the hand written declaration is not 

prominently visible, the candidate may edit his/ her application and re-upload his/ 

her photograph or signature or left thumb impression or the hand written 

declaration, prior to submitting the form. 

(3) Candidate should also ensure that photo is uploaded at the place of photo 

and signature at the place of signature. If photo in place of photo and signature in 

place of signature is not uploaded properly, candidate will not be allowed to 

appear for the exam. 

(4) Candidate must ensure that Photo to be uploaded is of required size and the 

face should be clearly visible. 

(5) If the photo is not uploaded at the place of Photo Admission for Examination 

will be rejected/denied. Candidate him/herself will be responsible for the same. 

(6) Candidates should ensure that the signature uploaded is clearly visible 

(7) After registering online candidates are advised to take a printout of their 

system generated online application forms.



We are concerned about your health, safety & hygiene. In the interest of your 

well-being and that of everyone at the venue, you are requested to declare if you 

have any of the below listed symptoms by using 

a  (Yes, I have) or  (No, I do not have). 

Cough 

Fever 

Sore Throat / Runny Nose 

Breathing Problem 

Body Ache 

 I have NOT been in close contact with any person suffering from COVID 19 

and am NOT under mandatory quarantine. 

 I may be subject to legal provision/ action as applicable for hiding any facts on 

COVID 19 infections related to me and causing health hazard to others. 

 I am aware ECGC has taken measures as per advisories of Government of 

India related to norms of social distancing and sanitization at the Examination 


 I’m asked to fill this Self-Declaration, since I do not have “Aarogya Setu” App 

on my mobile phone. 

 I’m certifying that I’ve NOT tested Positive for the Coronavirus or identified as a 

potential carrier of the COVID-19 virus. 

Candidate Name : ________________________________________________ 

Candidate Roll No : ________________________________________________

Date of the Exam : ________________________________________________ 

Exam Center Name:________________________________________________ 

Signature of Candidate _____________________________________________ 

(In case candidate is availing the services of a scribe, same Form is to be filled by the 

Scribe also if scribe also does not have Aarogya Setu App on Mobile).

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